Philosophies of life are to be viewed as my recipes for a life well-lived. They are based on years of lived experience and a deep study of multiple disciplines, including: psychology, philosophy, personal finance, happiness and human behavior. Add or subtract your own “ingredients” for maximum achievement.
For Personal Growth & Development:
- Keep a journal
- Find someone to serve
- Set goals with deadlines & celebrate wins
- Do more than is expected of you, as a rule
- Welcome criticism as feedback/data to be considered
- Determine the amount of sleep you need for peak performance
- Read half as many books twice – deep learning will separate you
- Eat right & exercise regularly for more energy and cognitive function
For Mental Strength:
- Live without regrets
- Practice intermittent fasting
- Internalize quotes to live by
- Daily prayer and/or meditation
- Let failure teach you something
- Practice voluntary poverty regularly
- Observe when emotions overwhelm your intellect
- Force yourself to do things others aren’t willing to do
For Optimizing Happiness:
- Value time over money
- Value experiences over things
- Forgive everyone, no exceptions
- Whatever you want most, give it away
- Compare yourself to yourself, no one else
- Be just as excited about others’ success as your own
- Plan trips in advance – there is much joy in anticipation
- Find something different for which you are grateful, every morning
For Financial Freedom:
- Eliminate debt
- Save automatically
- Track every expense
- Track your net worth quarterly
- Choose your lifestyle before each month begins
- Decide the lifestyle you want now vs. how long you want to work
- Diversify – do not invest >10% of your net worth in a high-risk investment
- Get rich slowly