Melanie Boudreaux is an Assistant Professor at Nicholls State University—she teaches Human Resource Management. She’s also Faculty Advisor for the Society of Human Resource Management and works as HR Director at Environment Safety & Health Consulting Services (ES&H). And just in case Melanie found herself with free time—she’s also enrolled at University of South Alabama,
6 Rules for Life, The Delusion of Time & Thoughts on God with Brandt Quick
Brandt Quick is a Fully Integrated Business Coach (FIBC) & Certified Health Coach. He’s also CEO & President of BQuick Athletic Development, a health & fitness company, and CEO & President of BQuick Nutrition, maker of natural sports nutrition energy, endurance, and recovery vitamins/supplements. A former Kansas State football player who later transferred to Tulane
Baseball: Old-Timers & New-Timers with Richard Cuicchi
My guest is Richard Cuicchi. He’s a New Orleans baseball historian and the founder of the Metro New Orleans Area Baseball Player Database. Born in Shaw, MS, he has spent most of his adult life in New Orleans, and says he’s now a true “New Orleanian.” After graduating from Mississippi State University, Richard came to
Leadership Lessons, Coaching College Baseball & Kicking Cancer’s A$$ with Gee Cassard
Gee Cassard is the Head Baseball Coach at Ascension Catholic High School in Donaldsonville, Louisiana. We first met when he recruited me to play baseball at Nicholls State University, where he was the Assistant Coach / Head Recruiter at the time. Coach Gee gave me a chance to play Division I baseball, and for that
Around the World with Nomad on FIRE
My guest is Eric Richard—he’s pretty far along the path to FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). In fact, in July 2019, he quit his full-time job to become a location-independent entrepreneur. After learning about FIRE in 2015, he immediately began making positive life changes. First thing he got serious about was personal finance. By following
Risky Business: Alligator Hunting, A Fortune-Teller & Getting the Girl with Bryan McGehee
Bryan McGeHee is my guest. Together with his brother, Mitch, they started GATR Coolers in 2017, selling coolers with only three available sizes to mostly family & friends. Four years later business is booming—they’ve expanded to drinkware, apparel, accessories, and replacement parts in addition to various coolers! In this episode, we discuss GATR’s explosive growth—from
Dating as a Divorced Dad, Climbing Out of Debt & Being Twitter Famous with Mark Allan Bovair
I’ve gotten to know Mark Allan Bovair on Twitter, where he’s built a huge following consistently sharing his thoughts & ideas. Mark is the author of the Finance and Fatherhood Newsletter. He’s also a single dad of three teenagers who has a full-time job in Accounting and three (3) profitable side-businesses—all while studying for the
Becoming a Better Man, Matthew McConaughey, Coaching 1st-Round Picks with Brent McDonald
My guest is Brent McDonald. He is the Principal at Summer Creek High School in Houston, Texas, and former Head Baseball Coach at Cypress Falls High School. He & wife, Angie, have two kids, BreAnna, 17 & Dominick, 15. “Coach Mac,” or “Mac,” as his number is saved in my phone, is someone I’ve always
Poker, Politics & Parenting with Jerrard Parfait
My guest is Jerrard Parfait. He’s a friend of fifteen years who has a strong aptitude for risk-taking. In fact, we spend the first hour of this episode talking about poker, decision-making and emotional intelligence. We also discuss politics & parenting. Parfait, as I call him, lives with his wife, Carolyn, and son, Luke, in
“If Someone Dropped $1 Million in Your Lap Tomorrow, What Would You Do With It?”
In my early twenties, I set a goal to become a millionaire. Not because I wanted to buy a lamborghini or live in a 10,000-square foot house. Nope. I set a goal to become a millionaire for the same reason Jim Rohn believed it to be a worthy pursuit— “for what it will make of
5 Years of Early Retirement with Brad Dantonio on THE JOSEPH WELLS PODCAST
This week, I, Brad Dantonio aka Man Overseas, guest on The Joseph Wells Podcast. I’m forty years old and have been retired for five years. I took a year off just prior to my 35th birthday to travel the world and never returned to the workforce. In normal times, you can find Lady Overseas &