When you arrive at the table, you’ll want to quickly identify the sucker. Otherwise, the sucker may be you.
The sucker is the bad guy—the one who’s been cheating to win. He’d be indignant if asked to verify whether he’s been playing by the rules. So don’t be fooled by appearances (this article isn’t about poker).
As far as you’re concerned, you might think people know what you bring to the table, but some won’t truly understand until you bring your value to their table. And even then, you could enrich everyone at the table, but those with smaller “stacks” would complain that others have bigger stacks.
Successful cheaters will have big stacks. And if caught, they may be able to use their fat stacks to defend themselves against accusations of wrongdoing. But ultimately the house of cards will come tumbling down. Just ask the last “bad boy” who was “all about the benjamins.”
Identifying the Bad Guys
The bad guys are on a team—they’re less truth-seeker, more team-player (in this instance: team-player has a negative connotation). After all, it’s hard to cheat alone.
When engaging in team-play, people often adopt a mob mentality. Which blinds you to facts. If you’ve played sports or been a die-hard fan of a sports team, you know how hard it is to see a penalty that should’ve been called on your team.
Someone who is on the “blue no matter who” team is closed-minded, lacks awareness and can’t be objective. Their goal is to win at all costs.
Although their “progressivism” limits their knowledge of history, this lack of knowledge doesn’t concern them. The reason is they’ve previously excelled in areas that measure specific knowledge. Therefore they’ve confused formalized education and credentialism with intelligence and believe themselves to be smart about everything.
To make matters worse, these players equate their self-perceived intelligence with morality.
It’s important to recognize when you’re encountering a self-righteous person. Because they’re clever. They can infect your mind, and that of your kids. They’re often closeted commies.
For example, Robert Reich is a commie “blue no matter who” professor at Cal-Berkeley.
Firstly, you need to know a Communist is no more likely to say, “I’m a Communist,” than he is to say, “I’m a power-hungry thief” (although they imply the same thing). Also note: X/Twitter hasn’t been around long for your run-of-the-mill commie to reveal himself.
Secondly, a leftist professor wouldn’t introduce himself and say, “Hi, I’m Robert Reich—smart but unwise.” Much less share the consequences of advocating for communist idiocy.
Smart but Unwise
By now you’re wondering how can you can identify these types—those who are smart but unwise (hereinafter referred to as “the bad guys”). I got you.
Just like the sucker at the table, if you’re unable to identify the bad guys—you may be one of them.
But they’re easy to identify. They’re the ones who can’t tell you how to live a good life. In part, because they’re miserable human beings.
I once worked with a bad guy. He was very smart but unwise. Knew everything (another indicator). One day I shared my wealth-building strategy with him, interested to hear what a commie-bastard would think.
He laughed at me. Here was the conversation:
“I’m investing in real estate and have been dollar-cost averaging into Microsoft stock.”
He said, “So you know, you’re wasting your time. Microsoft peaked in the 90s. And you’re never going to be one of the richest 10 people in America.”
Then I laughed, since $MSFT was $17/share at the time and I had no desire to be one of the richest people in America.
I’ll share more about him since he was the prototype. He signaled more virtue than anyone I knew. He publicly advocated for every leftist cause and was probably posting black squares on Instagram in 2019.
But virtue, like character, is measured by what you do when nobody is watching (virtue-signaling is the opposite).
More indicators so you know what to look for. He was macro-benevolent, micro-malevolent. He was going to save the world by way of climate change advocacy. But would call his wife a c-word, treat the person next to him like shit [if it was a white male] and send scathing emails motherfkcing his team (not his macro-ideological team—he’d never do that).
You can learn a lot from these types—especially how not to be.
Identifying the Good Guys
The good guys do good for its own sake. They’re willing to be perceived as assholes for doing what is right.
Typically, the good guys are smart and wise. They mostly understand the bad guys. More on that later.
The good guys “get it” because they’ve studied human nature. They’ve learned the bad guys are “suckers for pain”—devoted to destruction. A full dosage of detrimental dysfunction. And they’d do it again if you let them.
The good guys also expect to be attacked—the lessons of history have taught them you’ll be attacked in equal measure to the amount of good you’re trying to do. Call it the price you pay. Not to think the bad guys will attack the good guys is naïve.
Conversely, the bad guys never do good for its own sake. So they don’t understand the good guys. I argued in my last podcast episode this is due to the bad guys not experiencing positive emotion when serving others. And if you never experience joy from helping others—especially without receiving any credit—you’d have no idea others do feel joy when helping others.
Said another way. When you’re not a good person, you’ll struggle to understand someone who is. How could it occur to you that someone is doing something out of the goodness of their heart, absent goodness in your own heart?
An equalism commie mentality is quid pro quo. It’s an inversion of Nassim Taleb’s views on social & political ideologies. He has said, “I’m a Communist with my family. Socialist with close friends. Democracy at the local or state level. And Libertarian at the federal level.”
Furthermore, the bad guys are uncharitable. Even when they promise to rob Peter to pay Paul, they’ll want to know what’s in it for me?
They’re overly concerned with what others think of them, hence their virtue-signaling. Not to mention they could never do actual good if it means being perceived as an a-hole. Thus, their pretending to care is all performative—which ironically is actual a-hole.



Those ignorant of history are suckers who are easily manipulated.
Contrast the actors (pictured above) with the good guys concerned with the good of humanity and the world. They’re pro-life in the truest sense—evidenced by their desire for people to stop dying in wars and closing the border.
In fact, so far are the good guys from being misanthropic, they’re actually fruitful and multiply.
They might do work that helps the environment by revolutionizing the automobile industry. Or use their wealth to save free speech. Or aim to save future humans by providing another planet to escape to if earth gets overheated. And that’s just a shortlist.
Unless you’re a Communist, you would agree the man who provides that much value to humanity should be the richest person in the world.
“I don’t care about the perception of goodness, I care about the reality of it.” – Elon Musk
Who Would Do That?
The bad guys think Elon Musk & Donald Trump are “in it for themselves.”
When you’re in it for yourself, you would of course think others are too. It’s not just simple projection. It’s straight from the Communist playbook—accuse the other side of that which you are doing.
Furthermore, since the bad guys have no masculine men of honor among them, one thing you’ll never hear them discuss is giving your life for your country. And because they wouldn’t risk their lives for the good of America, they don’t understand anyone who would.
I planned to explain the “suckers & losers” hoax in case you have a friend who said Who would do that? but guess I just did.
The good guys choose leaders who love them. When a man of honor loves you, it means he would die for you.
It’s a story as old as time. And I realize I’m dating myself, but back when masculinity was celebrated—the most honorable thing a man could do was die for his fellow countrymen so they could live free.
Although I’m sure politicians like Nancy, Hillary, Kamala or Pocahontas, would lay down their lives for America lol, men of honor (Trump, Musk, RFK, etc.) prove it by risking their lives everyday, often without pay.
Remember, the good guys know history. They understand good & evil exists, while the bad guys can’t discern either one. In fact, they mock the concepts of good & evil.
The good guys know history isn’t a relic, it’s a warning. When one side starts silencing their opposition, they know the bad guys are revealing themselves for all to see (who can see). Yet even a blind man can see that those in power would only censor their fellow citizens when they can no longer compete in the “marketplace of ideas.”
By the way, there’s a man who has developed a Neuralink brain chip to cure blindness, but I can’t think of who it is now.
It’s no coincidence the rise in usage of terms like “hate speech,” “disinformation” and “misinformation,” coincided with “cancel culture” and the attempted overthrow of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
Arguments stating the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to private businesses were defeated when “The Twitter Files” showed how our government coerced social media companies to silence us in violation of our rights.
If the power of the powerless is realized despite attempts to silence them, lawfare quickly follows. It’s the oldest trick in the book still used throughout the world today. Yet many of us still don’t recognize when it’s happening (another lesson of history).
Perhaps it’s because there are aspects of the bad guy’s mind the good guys don’t understand. But more and more good guys are coming to grips with what bad guys would do for money and power.
They now realize the bad guys lack empathy, so they accuse the good guys of having none. Those who lack empathy would have no qualms about starting a war or claiming they could control the weather in order to enrich themselves.
The good guys used to think Who would do that? But they are suckers no more.
I sometimes wonder if the good guys denied reality for so long because what comes next is even worse to consider. That is, if you’re unable to jail your opposition, they must be killed—otherwise the bad guys get exposed.
And if at first they don’t succeed, ask Aaliyah what happens next.
We’re living in dangerous times. Please pray for our leaders.
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