Honored to be a guest on the BiggerPockets Podcast. With over 180,000 listeners per show, BiggerPockets is the biggest real estate podcast in the world! They’re also the top-rated and reviewed real estate show on iTunes. More options for listening are included in the show notes. Please let me know what you think in the comments.
Man Overseas on Solopreneur Grind!
Taleb said the Internet has broken the private-public wall; impulsive and inelegant utterances that used to be kept private are now available for literal interpretation. In this long-form interview with Solopreneur Grind (episode 7), I discuss: The day that forever changed my relationship to fear How to suffer and transcend emotional & psychological pain How
How I Survived Prison And Accidentally Found My Path to Wealth by GUEST WRITER
My goal is to save one reader’s life out there with this story about drugs, death, and the ten-year prison sentence I survived. My name is Billy B. from Wealth Well Done, and this is how I survived prison and accidentally found my path to wealth. My nightmare began on a summer-school morning in 2002. I was
House Hunting in Costa Rica!
Costa Rica has become a hotbed for Americans buying second homes. The appeal of a country where locals greet you with “Pura Vida” (“simple life” or “pure life”) is immediately apparent. It is a magnificent country famous for its world-class surfing, rain forests, jungles, reserves and national parks. Thirty-five wildlife refuges protect more than twenty-five percent of
How Does it Feel to be Rich?
Money was coming in faster than I could count. Guys around me were envious. Consistently stacking up cash made me feel like a boss. I remember thinking, “Is this how it feels to be rich?” None of my best friends were having success yet. They hadn’t learned how to play the game, didn’t know winning
My Journey into Real Estate
During my first job interview after college, the interviewer asked where I saw myself in ten years. I said, “My long-term goals are in real estate. I want to build my own little real estate empire,” to which he smirked. I wasn’t seeking a job so much as a mentor. I needed to find a place
Real Estate Investing for Financial Independence
Article read by the author: After reading several books in my early 20s, I chose to pursue financial independence (FI) through real estate investing. The FI pursuit requires purchasing income-producing assets in lieu of shiny things that depreciate in value. In choosing to pursue FI through aggressive saving & investing, you’re designing a lifestyle that consists