Stop dealing with people as you wish they were. Or how you think they should be. You’re wasting precious time. You can only control your own internal state—not the misdeeds and misspoken words of others. People will act in ways you can’t believe. Say the dumbest things with regularlty. And not just today, but tomorrow
“If Someone Dropped $1 Million in Your Lap Tomorrow, What Would You Do With It?”
In my early twenties, I set a goal to become a millionaire. Not because I wanted to buy a lamborghini or live in a 10,000-square foot house. Nope. I set a goal to become a millionaire for the same reason Jim Rohn believed it to be a worthy pursuit— “for what it will make of
40 Pieces of Life Advice for 20-Year Old Me
I turned 40 today. Can hardly believe it. The past 5 years, especially, have flown by. I traveled from Croatia to Prague on my 35th. In transit, money was stolen from my suitcase. I also remember changing my Facebook profile picture that day—the shirt I wore is packed in my suitcase now, profile picture unchanged.
Flashback: Former Pelicans catcher Fats Dantonio, New Orleans baseball institution WRITTEN BY RICHARD CUICCHI
Quick personal story before I share Richard Cuicchi’s “Flashback.” I enjoyed visiting my grandparents’ house in New Orleans when I was a kid. They had souvenirs (and junk) piled to the ceiling in every room. Grandma Hilda was a hoarder back before it was cool. When it was time to leave, Grandma would walk us
January Disaster from the Treadmills
I hear many bloggers & podcasters say: “Many people ask me about…” or “I get asked a lot…” and I think to myself, aw c’mon bro—nobody’s asking you that. I feel like Mike Fiers sharing this but a “content creator’s” dream is for their daily lives to be so intriguing to others that their inboxes
The Most Surprising Thing I’ve Learned Traveling the World
In 2015, I quit my job to travel the world. This gave me the freedom to see how much I could learn in a year (I had planned to return to the corporate world). Indeed, the greatest value of time wealth, for me, has been the freedom to follow my curiosities, wherever they might lead me.
The Struggle of Infidelity BY GUEST WRITER KISHA KLOSTER
Sex is a river of fire that must be banked and cooled by a hundred restraints if it is not to consume in chaos both the individual and the group. – Will Durant, The Lessons of History The aim of Man Overseas Blog & Podcast is to serve those on the self-development quest. For this reason,
Thoughts on Living a Bigger Life
We all get in a funk sometimes and feel stuck. And when you’re stuck, you want to get unstuck. So what do you do? Best advice is to start small, with the littlest thing you can do, because that’s going to inspire you to do the next thing, and the next. You might say, “Yeah, but my
How to Become the Richest Man in Babylon BY GUEST WRITER JOSEPH WELLS
My guest writer, Joseph Wells, was an early guest on the Man Overseas Podcast. In that episode, he talked about “buying time-freedom before The 4% Rule.’” This week I asked Joseph to write an article for the blog about one of our favorite books: The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason. Joseph’s blog is one of
Reflections on Vienna
Vienna has been around a long time. In fact, it’s had continuous habitation since 500 BC. For those of you scoring at home (incels too), that’s as far from now as the year 4500. Fast-forward two millennia. The year is 1804. Vienna becomes the capital of the newly formed Austrian Empire. It brings us Haydn,
The Spoils of War at Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest
In 1945, near the end of World War II, there were two prizes yet to be captured by Allied Forces. One was Berlin, controlled almost entirely by the Soviet Union; the other was Berchtesgaden, home to Adolf Hitler’s famous mountain lodge, Eagle’s Nest. Many of Hitler’s plans to take over the world were made in